Transport Layer:Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
Application Layer:BotNet Messages (PACKET)
Message Id:0x0B
Message Name:BOTNET_CHAT
Direction:Client to Server
Used By:Warcraft III Reign of Chaos, Warcraft III The Frozen Throne
Message Format:
(does not include protocol header)
(UINT32) Distribution
(UINT32) Action
(UINT32) Bot ID
(STRING) Message [max: 496]


Send chat.

There is no confirmation of sent chat. Whispers to nonexistent users, empty Message values, and chat to users who have blocking specified in C>S 0x10 BOTNET_CHAT_OPTIONS are silently dropped. If the distribution is 0x00 (broadcast) but the user does not have broadcast permission, only connected users on this database receive the chat but the distribution value stays 0x00.


  • 0x00: Broadcast (all connected users)
  • 0x01: Database (connected users on this database)
  • 0x02: Whisper (user specified by Bot ID)


  • 0x00: Talk
  • 0x01: Emote

Bot ID:
If Command is 0x02, the message is sent to the user specified by Bot ID. If no user has that ID, the message is silently dropped.

Empty values are silently dropped. Otherwise, the string is copied to the target(s) in the message S>C 0x0B BOTNET_CHAT.

| Edited: Anonymous


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