StarCraft Patch 1.17.0 Pre-Release


Blizzard has uploaded a copy of their new patch for StarCraft and StarCraft: Brood War version 1.17.0. It is currently not active on servers (connecting using 1.17.0 displays an unsupported version error message), however it can be downloaded from their FTP site. It contains the new version byte 0xD5, a bump from 0xD3 as seen on 1.16.1. The patch was first reported at on July 22 and at on July 25.

Game Official Mirror
Brood War BW-1170.exe BW-1170.exe (Checksums)
StarCraft SC-1170.exe SC-1170.exe (Checksums)
Starcraft and Brood War Patch Information

- patch 1.17.0

Specific Changes & Improvements

- Increased turn rate to lower unit response times over gameplay
- Fixed palette issues to correct "rainbow water" and other graphic artifacts
- Fixed text artifacting in the menus
- First client run will migrate saves to avoid issues from Windows system admin changes

Known Issues

- Mac is not supported this patch, but is in progress

Some notes:

  • The patch introduces BlizzardError.exe and SystemSurvey.exe to StarCraft for the first time.
  • battle.snp, standard.snp, StarEdit.exe, and storm.dll are now digitally signed.
  • The latest digital signatures were signed on July 11.
  • W-Mode plugin is broken despite the author's claims that it works with any version of StarCraft.
  • Alt+tabbing out causes other windows to be resized to 640x480 resolution.
  • StarCraft's new base address is 0x01190000, old base address is base address is no longer fixed at 0x00040000.
  • Screenshotting in the interface automatically saves to your clipboard instead of opening a dialog.
  • Screenshots are now saved in PNG format instead of PCX.
  • StarCraft now requires CheckRevision's .dll to be digitally signed.

Additional notes (2016-07-27):

  • Storm.dll's base address is no longer fixed at [TODO: FIND OLD BASE ADDRESS]
  • Storm.dll exports at least 2 additional functions: SErrSetBlizzardErrorFunction (ordinal 132) and SNetSetCodeSignVerifcationFunction (ordinal 148). These functions are now documented at Liquipedia.
  • StarCraft now extracts CheckRevision's DLL file to %AppData%/Local/Temp/
  • StarCraft creates files called Crash.txt and Minidump.dmp in %AppData%/Local/Temp/BlizzardError/year-month-day hour.minute.second/ when it crashes, instead of in StarCraft/Errors/
  • Example Crash.txt file:
  • StarCraft now logs the total and monthly amount of games played on each protocol. These logs are stored in %AppData%/Local/Blizzard Entertainment/System Survey/ProductData/SEXP/ and %AppData%/Local/Blizzard Entertainment/System Survey/ProductData/STAR/
  • Example logs:
  • StarCraft no longer crashes when attempting to watch a replay in which a player has chat too much while the game was paused. Replay Fix is no longer necessary.
  • Blizzard seems to have modified an outdated version of StarEdit. The new StarEdit.exe binary displays as its File Version and Version 1.00 as its Product Version whereas the StarEdit.exe that's installed with 1.16.1 displays and Version 1.02 respectively.
  • Increased turn rate to lower unit response times over gameplay means that the NetworkModeDelay while playing on a server is now the same value as playing on LAN, which is 2. See LatencyChanger

Dumps of the game version handshake can be found on PvPGN's GitHub.

| Edited: xboi209



xboi209, commenting now works :)



I'm maintaining a list of known offsets for patch 1.17.0:


Updated the mirror links to the new paths.


Hello. my name is son gyu bin . I'm korean.
I wan't windows screen mode. because full screan mode is have some lagg. so I want windows mode.
can you make windows mode?