Starcraft Patch Notes

[post from Cydra on Starcraft Forums]
Greetings all,
Patch 1.23.9 has arrived!
Welcome to Season 10!
- Dark Archon portrait and Protoss frame rewards for ranked matchmaking S, A, B, and U.
Map Pool Update
- (2) Eclipse 1.2
- (3) Ascension 1.0
- (4) Fighting Spirit 1.3
- (4) Good Night 1.31
- (4) Largo 1.5
- (4) Polypoid 1.65
- (4) Revolver 1.0
(Note: For the first two weeks, ranks will be MMR bucketed based on last season’s data. After which we will switch to the percentage-based breakdown above.)
When Season 11? 11 month with Season 10 amp pool. Who decide this? Where can we vote or make a forum?
@manu18s, I suggest directing your inquiry to Blizzard's forums: