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Id | 123 |
Member for | 16 years, 3 months, 15 days |
Comments made | 30 |
Documents authored | 6 |
News posted | 1 |
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- GitHub: kevincarlino
- Twitter: KevinCarlino
News Posts
Just adding events with dates, more details can be added.
?/?/????: Shareware users can no longer join channels that are not public or client-specific.
Sometime in 2005: Telnet usage is restricted.
2/25/2010: 2.0 unofficially goes public, prior to the SC2 release.
2/5/2017: Accounts with previously illegal characters can now be created.
Sometime around November 2017: Gateway denotation changed from "@" to "#" (aka Stratholme)
Pretty cool findings there... There's lot to test with Telnet now on the W3DM server then, haha.
Looks like there's more SC2/Bnet2 Servers, though i've got no idea what they're for...
<a href="">Source</a>
Telnet still works on the W3DM Server. You have to use the name "Anonymous" with no password since there are no account capabilities. Only the following commands work:
/? -- /help
/whois -- /where /whereis /whois
/friends -- /f
Apparently some guy was able to login and such with Bnet2.0. Nothing has been released publicly though.
@Jailout: I had exodus on the list, if that's what you meant?
You probably don't need Exodus up there, but meh. I suppose it can't hurt until that one finally just dies off like the rest did.
Looks like you are missing some. 1016 and 3000 were also Event_Info (duplicates of 1018 or perhaps they were used for something else?).
In addition, 1013, 1014, and 1015 were used. When a channel was full, you would receive 1013. If you could not join a channel from being on the restricted client, you would get 1015, and if you did a /whois of a channel that had 0 users, you would get 1014.
And... Telnet still exists, just to Blizzard employees only <a href=",17597#msg179291">according to Ringo</a>.
From my old bot: (they match 0x0F, save for "Event" instead of "EID" -- also looks like there is no NULL packet from 0x0F)
Case 1001: Event_SHOWUSER
Case 1002: Event_JOIN
Case 1003: Event_LEAVE
Case 1004: Event_WHISPER
Case 1005: Event_TALK
Case 1006: Event_BROADCAST
Case 1007: Event_CHANNEL
Case 1009: Event_USERFLAGS
Case 1010: Event_WHISPERSENT
Case 1013: Event_CHANNELFULL
Case 1016: Event_INFO
Case 1018: Event_INFO
Case 1019: Event_ERROR
Case 1023: Event_EMOTE
Case 2000: Event_NULL
Case 2010: Event_NAME
Case 3000: Event_INFO
EDIT: Also, there were two commands that were CHAT commands only, beep and nobeep.
/beep - enable audible notifications
/nobeep - disable audible notifications
As far as I know, you could /beep <username> and if they had it enabled, it would make their computer beep.
With that in mind then.. We need the following:
- SC Beta
- BW Beta
- WoW Alpha/Beta/Retail/Guest
- WoW TBC Alpha/Beta/Guest
- WoW WotLK Alpha/Beta/Guest
- WoW Cata Alpha/Beta/Retail/Guest
No, Kryo I think you misunderstood that. If I register STAR on my 2.0 account, I cannot login with my 13-digit STAR CDKey and my 26-digit STAR key at the same time. They're the same CDKey, they're just in two different formats.
This also means that any restrictions (mute, banned, jailed, etc) will be on the new Game Key.
I like to refer to the physical keys as CDKeys and the new digital keys as Game Keys.
Random stuff... Color codes for each game:
WC3: |c
|c00ff0000red |c0000ff00green |c000000ffblue |r0
D2: 每c
每c11 每c22 每c33 每c44 每c55 每c66 每c77 每c88 每c99 每c00
SC: 脕
脕QQ 脕RR 脕ZZ 脕YY 脕VV 脕TT 脕W0
Hehe, yeah. I grabbed the info on them during the Beta and had them saved in a text file, :P. Since I help out in Tech, I was able to grab the IP's and get them verified by an Employee.
The "Game Server" IP's are the Addresses of the WoW servers... That'll be a huge list.
I also believe there is a tw server for Bnet2, but I haven't been able to find the address for it, and haven't really gotten a straight answer.
The older servers are no longer up... I don't recall which went to which server, however exodus is still up and points to uswast.
Each of those 3 used to point to useast, europe, and asia, though like I said, I don't remember which was which.
Added Heinermann's notes. Just need SC/BW Beta.
Should we include WoW Keys as well, since we're keeping track of SC2 Keys?
Been talking to Heinermann a lot lately, we found out the Diablo 2 Stress Test:
D2ST verbyte is 0xCA and uses the same login sequence as DRTL/DSHR.
I just need the D2 LoD Beta if anyone has access to this.
Awesome, I got in contact with Mystery, the guy who ran Diablo Evolution. He told me he'll re-upload the Diablo Beta tomorrow, :).
Few other things... Do you have copies of the other game betas? D2, SC1, War2, War3? Could potentially be more information there... In addition, the D2 Beta on had product code D2ST, this could potentially be that; not the D1 Beta. It's more than possible the D2ST could have the same icon as DRTL... That beta is located here:
This Beta Archives site seems to have all of them if we need any (aside from DRTL Beta which Mystery will upload for us tomorrow).
@Kyro: Well, the W3DM server is Perhaps we should keep a list of servers... EDIT: Got a document up with a list.
@Heinermann: Hrmm... Supposedly, this is a copy of D1 Alpha. I have not checked it out myself yet.
According to the Diablo Evolution website, that is the correct size (and the owner of the site put that link up). I can try and contact the guys from Diablo Evolution and see if he can upload the D1 Beta. Apparently he has a copy of it.
Going to check back on these, it's from old research of mine.
Status: 0
Game Type: 7
Language ID: 67698688
Address Family: 0
Port: 2
Host IP: -1290215401
???: 0
???2: 0
Game Status: 0
Time Elapsed: 101580800
Game Name: asdf
Game Pass:
Game Statstring: 0
Host: UssRustolium16 LTRD 19 0 0 101 16 79 105 19312 0
Warcraft III: Demo: W3DM 0x01
As far as D3 goes, these games will still need to support viewing users on SC2/D3/WoW since these will all be ported to Bnet2.0 soon(tm).
EDIT: Perhaps DTST needs to login through a specific server similar to W3DM?