BNETDocs General Status Update

Figured it was time for a general status update of BNETDocs.
What's working:
- Comment viewing for documents
- Comment viewing for news posts
- Comment viewing for packets
- Desktop and mobile versions of the site
- Document viewing
- Logging of events
- News post creation
- News post deletion
- News post viewing
- Packet viewing
- Server status tracker
- User login
- User logout
- User password updating
- User permission/ACL system
- User profile viewing
- User registration
What's left to do:
- Comment creation/editing/deletion for documents, news posts, packets, servers, and user profiles
- Mobile version of the site still missing navigation
- Document creating/editing/deletion
- Document relations import from Redux
- Document searching and popularity ranking
- Emails
- Event log viewing
- News post editing
- Packet creation/editing/deletion
- Packet relations import from Redux
- Packet searching and popularity ranking
- Server creation/editing/deletion
- User index (list of registered users)
- User profile editing
Other notes:
- Blizzard on occasion will visit this site. This is a good reason to be as welcoming and professional as possible. They've visited 6 times between April 11 and June 13 of 2016.
- So far, I've been the only one contributing to the BNETDocs source code. If we want to speed things up around here, BNETDocs could use some contributors over on GitHub.
- Worth mentioning is the domain name is being offered for around $2,000 USD. That's pretty insane. If anyone wants to buy it and transfer it over, I'd be extremely grateful. It used to be an alias for back in the day and some comments/documentation on this site still reference it.
- I've imported the comments from Redux over to here. Some are pretty rough and demeaning while others are constructive. Please understand that some of these comments are pretty old and were written at a time when the person might have been at a different maturity level than they are now. Be respectful when diving in to a comment thread.
- Also worth mentioning about these imported comments is they were written on Redux, not this new site; a lot has changed since Redux, and some comments may no longer be relevant anymore, such as one comment I found about SQL injection and
symbols over on the Protocol Headers document. SQL injection is impossible on this new site thanks to the aid of prepared statements, proper input/output sanitation, and error handling. - Some may have noticed that the To Do document from Redux was deleted. I did this because the purpose of that document has moved to GitHub. The original comments and content of that document are still preserved on Redux, as clicking on that link will show you.
I don't have any milestones for this site, so I can't give you a timeline of when I plan to complete features. I have a full-time job, 9-5 weekdays, plus I like to have leisure time spent playing games or hanging out with friends, rather than spending time coding. In other words, this site isn't my priority. I will always try to donate my time when I can or when I feel like it, though. I haven't abandoned this project. :-)
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