Transport Layer: | Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) |
Application Layer: | Battle.net v1 TCP Messages (SID) |
Message Id: | 0x46 |
Message Name: | SID_NEWS_INFO |
Direction: | Client to Server |
Used By: | Diablo II, Diablo II Lord of Destruction Warcraft III Reign of Chaos, Warcraft III The Frozen Throne |
Message Format: (does not include protocol header) |
Requests news and MOTD from battle.net.
The news timestamp specifies the starting date for the news. To retrieve all available news entries, set this to zero. Timestamps are given in C/Unix format -- that is, the number of seconds since January 1, 1970 0:00:00.000 -- and should be biased to UTC.
This message should be sent when you receive SID_ENTERCHAT. The official client stops processing messages after the user joins a game or enters a channel, and discards messages with more than 127 entries.
News can be requested for older products, but Battle.net will only return the server's Message-of-the-Day. However, this behavior has not been observed in official clients, and for an accurate protocol emulation, its use is not recommended.
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