Transport Layer: | Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) |
Application Layer: | BNLS Messages (BNLS) |
Message Id: | 0x0E |
Message Name: | BNLS_AUTHORIZE |
Direction: | Server to Client |
Options: | Deprecated |
Used By: | Starcraft Original, Starcraft Broodwar Starcraft Shareware, Starcraft Japanese Diablo Retail, Diablo Shareware Diablo II, Diablo II Lord of Destruction Warcraft II BNE, Warcraft III Reign of Chaos Warcraft III The Frozen Throne |
Message Format: (does not include protocol header) |
If the bot ID is not recognized by the server, then this message is still sent as backwards compatibility with the previous version of BNLS, which required authorization.
The client should calculate the checksum of the auth password and the server code using the [BNLS Checksum Algorithm]. The result is sent in BNLS_AUTHORIZEPROOF (0x0F).
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