Transport Layer:Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
Application Layer:Warcraft III In-Game Messages (W3GS)
Message Id:0x0F
Direction:Server to Client
Options: In Research
Used By:Warcraft III Reign of Chaos, Warcraft III The Frozen Throne
Message Format:
(does not include protocol header)
 (UINT8)   Recipient player count
 (UINT8)[] Recipient player numbers
 (UINT8)   Sender player number
 (UINT8)   Flags
 (UINT8)   Team, Color, Race, or Handicap (optional, see remarks)
(UINT32)   Scope (optional, see remarks)
(STRING)   Message


This is sent from the host to each Client to print a message on the screen from a player.

The recipient player numbers will receive the message from the sender player number.

Flags can be one of the following:

Flag Description
0x10 No extra fields, message follows
0x11 Next byte is Team, then message
0x12 Next byte is Color, then message
0x13 Next byte is Race, then message
0x14 Next byte is Handicap, then message
0x20 Next 4 bytes are Scope, then message

Scope can be one of the following:

Extra Flag Description
0x00 Scope All
0x01 Scope Allies
0x02 Scope Observers
0x03 Scope Directed

An excerpt from the ghostpp bot:

    // DEBUG_Print( data );

    // 2 bytes                  -> Header
    // 2 bytes                  -> Length
    // 1 byte                   -> Total
    // for( 1 .. Total )
    //      1 byte              -> ToPID
    // 1 byte                   -> FromPID
    // 1 byte                   -> Flag
    // if( Flag == 16 )
    //      null term string    -> Message
    // elseif( Flag == 17 )
    //      1 byte              -> Team
    // elseif( Flag == 18 )
    //      1 byte              -> Colour
    // elseif( Flag == 19 )
    //      1 byte              -> Race
    // elseif( Flag == 20 )
    //      1 byte              -> Handicap
    // elseif( Flag == 32 )
    //      4 bytes             -> ExtraFlags
    //      null term string    -> Message
| Edited: Caaaaarrrrlll


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