User Profile
(no biography information)
Id | 1 |
Member for | 17 years, 6 months, 30 days |
Comments made | 30 |
Documents authored | 5 |
News posted | 24 |
Packets authored | 3 |
Servers owned | 0 |
- GitHub: doncullen
- Facebook: doncullen
- Twitter: doncullen
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News Posts
- 0x5E Warden Packet Reactivated
- BNETDocs Administration Changes
- BNETDocs Continues
- BNLS Redirector Service Upgraded
- CSS Themes
- Comment Scripts Complete
- Diablo II 1.12a (New Patch)
- Happy Holidays!
- Interesting statistics...
- Minor BNETDocs v2 Update
- New Patch for Starcraft/Brood War
- Rest in peace, Steve Jobs
- Server Crash
- Server Move
- Server Move Completed
- Server Upgrade
- StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty - Patch 1.0.1
- StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty - Patch 1.0.2
- StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty - Patch 1.0.3
- StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty - Patch 1.1.0
- StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty - Patch 1.1.2
- StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty – Patch 1.1.1
- StarCraft Patched to 1.15.1
- Vivendi Games / Activision Merger
RealityRipple; you have editor access; I'm surprised to see you didn't put that directly into the document.
Make backups of the files then and pop the backup in bnetdocs archives. Would suck if pastebin went down and your precious code went buh-bye, now wouldn't it? ;)
Suggestion: in the future, move any referenced data to BNETDocs. This way we don't have to worry about broken links. Make sure to place the referenced data in a text file and pop it in the archives directory. For example, look at this:
You can see DevCode and HDX's code was stored on BNETDocs and archived for reference purposes-- no worrying about broken links. =)
So-- yea, move the realbasic code from pastebin to a locally stored file in archives and update links.
Updated packet information to include this:
NOTE: No longer used, as Warden is now used to monitor for hacks. The clients still support this though so one can code in support for it if one so desires. Due to it being no longer actively used by, this packet is being marked as defunct.
Thanks for your contribution, xpeh. :)
If you're going to be adding those servers there, at least categorize them (BNET 1.0, BNET 2.0, BETA). Easier to quickly locate and read info then.
Interesting; so if two separate CD keys are registered to a 2.0 account, the result is that only one CD key can be logged on at a time-- meaning the account can only be logged in one at a time?
I'm surprised you don't have SC2, Andy. I have it, and so far, I'm definitely not disappointed. :)
Any chances we can have the hashes hosted locally rather than a different site? This way we can avoid broken links if a site goes down.
Finally got around to coding ability to comment on news. Will add in editing, deleting, and BBCode later...
Just to provide an example to clarify what JailOut2000 is saying: lets say my bnet username is Kyro. I login with that.
My account name would show as Kyro, while unique name would show as Kyro.
Now, lets say somehow someone else had my username and password, and logged in via a different cdkey using my login info WHILE I was still online.
That persons account name would show as Kyro, while the unique name would show as Kyro#2.
Alendar, thanks for tip. Brew, thanks for pointing out error. Confirmed by RealityRipple. Fixed. Thanks for heads up.
Credit goes to l2k-Shadow for the following information:
To get the port # from the port DWORD, use the ntohs function.
Example code in C++:
#include <windows.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32")
void main()
char s[] = "\x17\xe0\x00\x00";
DWORD d = 0;
memcpy(&d, s, 4);
cout << ntohs(d) << endl;
Credits goes to for VB conversion:
Public Declare Function ntohs Lib "ws2_32" (ByVal netshort As Long) As Long
' Get the port
Port = ntohs(r.GetInt32())
Added. While that is more of a widely known necessity, I can see the need to point out the need, so developers will not have to deal with this issue as much from people new to bot development.
Since those two are pretty much part of each other, wouldn't it make more sense to merge those two into one document, so readers wouldn't have to switch between the two?