User Profile
To much to list in a little box like this.
Id | 14 |
Member for | 17 years, 8 months, 4 days |
Comments made | 6 |
Documents authored | 0 |
News posted | 0 |
Packets authored | 0 |
Servers owned | 0 |
- Discord: OneMeanDragon#7024
- GitHub: OneMeanDragon
- Website:
0x00000001: Blizzard Representative
0x00000002: Channel Operator
0x00000004: Channel Speaker
0x00000008: Administrator
0x00000010: No UDP Support
0x00000020: Squelched
are looked for directly in the game clients them selves and are not likely to change ever with out hardcoded updates.
0x01->0x13: Name "character_name" Rejected by server (client also disconnects mcp)
0x15->0x117 is the same message as ^
The result values here are reversed.
BOOL Result, TRUE (Success), FALSE (Failure)
Clients, D2XP 1.14D, WAR2 (Latest) (have not tested anything else to lazy)
As a reminder, for the clients that have no cdkeys the (For each Key) feild is empty, and the Number of keys reflects this aswell.
00000000 FF 1C 2C 00 01 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 ..,.............
00000010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 41 73 64 66 00 41 73 64 ........Asdf.Asd
00000020 66 00 31 66 64 20 61 73 - 20 64 66 00 f.1fd as df.
Provider version on SSHR is 0x00000000
pcid pkid length uid reason
[01] [07] [09 00] [9F 03 00 00] - [06]
switch (reason) {
case 0x3: { s_reason = "[Kicked] By Admin"; break; }
case 0x5: { s_reason = "[Kicked] For Protocol Violation"; break; }
case 0x6: { s_reason = "[Connection Dropped] Network Error"; break; }
case 0x7: { s_reason = "disconnected"; break; }
default: { s_reason = "unknowen"; break; }