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Id 5018
Member for7 years, 7 months, 22 days
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0x7D is also send if a ladder char tries to join a non ladder game.

The shown error is decided in the client (either for ladder or non ladder)

      case 0x7d:
        if (D2IniData_multiplayer->isLadder == '\0') {
                // Unable to enter game. A Ladder character cannot join a game created by a
                // Non-Ladder character.
          uVar12 = 0x2ab2;
        else {
                // Unable to enter game. A Non-Ladder character cannot join a game created by a
                // Ladder character.
          uVar12 = 0x2ab1;

It now always send a zero'd dword, no matter if your hardcore, ladder or on which difficulty you at.