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Id 36
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if someone could, please update this list JBLS supports more products


:P thx for telling us we forgot it tho


yea... it's been account closed since they enacted the closed account system....

soo.. i guess not forever but atleast since as long as i can remember getting that message on bnet...


0x06 has been account closed forever...


thanks to brew for the 0x0C status code


Corrected page as per brew's research


from what brew is telling me (he is getting it for everything including people in a clan)

and he has yet to provide a packet log of what he's sending i can only assume he's sending the message incorrect and 0x0C means invalid request...

why else would it send that for people who are in clans and out of clans?


added the wc3 login sequence


that's a very large time stamp... timestamp doesn't make since because it doesn't change based on filetime, we proved that when we tested it with kyro's map (same exact one as mine)..

both me and kyro had the same exact map with the same exact filetime and all together got 2 different values... which is what leads me to believe its a hash of the map and some other element of the computer either username or ip or something hmm i haven't tested this using a different username


the channel list is seperated by a 0x0D 0x00


i've tested it with various different checksum functions (almost all the CRC's i could find) me and don found out that the check sum is actually different from computer to computer and product to product.... so im not quite sure how it's derived but seems to depend on some client side element also...


still waiting for someone to bring over the old bnetdocs's page on game statstrings
i might do it today after i get some stuff done