All Packets
The index for all of the packets documented on BNETDocs
Packet | Author |
C>S 0x01 D2GS_WALKTOLOCATION Walk to a specified (X,Y) map coordinate | Anonymous |
C>S 0x02 D2GS_WALKTOENTITY Makes your character walk to the Entity specified in Entity ID | Anonymous |
C>S 0x03 D2GS_RUNTOLOCATION Run to a specified (X,Y) map coordinate | Anonymous |
C>S 0x04 D2GS_RUNTOENTITY Makes your character run to the Entity specified in Entity ID | Anonymous |
C>S 0x05 D2GS_LEFTSKILLONLOCATION Uses Left skill on specified (X,Y) map coordinate | Anonymous |
C>S 0x06 D2GS_LEFTSKILLONENTITY Uses your left skill on the Entity specefied in Entity ID | Anonymous |
C>S 0x07 D2GS_LEFTSKILLONENTITYEX Uses your left skill on the Entity specefied in Entity ID, while holding the hotkey for standing still(shift) | Anonymous |
C>S 0x08 D2GS_LEFTSKILLONLOCATIONEX Uses Left skill on specified (X,Y) map coordinate | Anonymous |
C>S 0x09 D2GS_LEFTSKILLONENTITYEX2 Uses your left skill on the Entity specified in Entity ID | Anonymous |
C>S 0x0A D2GS_LEFTSKILLONENTITYEX3 Uses your left skill on the Entity specefied in Entity ID, while holding the hotkey for standing still(shift) | Anonymous |
C>S 0x0C D2GS_RIGHTSKILLONLOCATION Uses the currently selected skill at the specified location | Anonymous |
C>S 0x0D D2GS_RIGHTSKILLONENTITY Uses your right skill on the Entity specefied in Entity ID | Anonymous |
C>S 0x0E D2GS_RIGHTSKILLONENTITYEX Uses your right skill on the Entity specefied in Entity ID, while holding the hotkey for standing still(shift) | Anonymous |
C>S 0x0F D2GS_RIGHTSKILLONLOCATIONEX Uses the currently selected skill at the specified location | Anonymous |
C>S 0x10 D2GS_RIGHTSKILLONENTITYEX2 Uses your right skill repeatedly on the Entity specefied in Entity ID | Anonymous |
S>C 0x10 D2GS_CHARTOOBJ A character moves to an object within your view range | Anonymous |
C>S 0x11 D2GS_RIGHTSKILLONENTITYEX3 Uses your right skill on the Entity specefied in Entity ID, while holding the hotkey for standing still(shift) | Anonymous |
C>S 0x13 D2GS_INTERACTWITHENTITY Interacts with the specified Entity | Anonymous |
C>S 0x14 D2GS_OVERHEADMESSAGE This message is used when you'd like to put a message above a character's head as used in the client as "![message]" | Anonymous |
C>S 0x16 D2GS_PICKUPITEM Pick up a ground item to cursor buffer/inventory | Anonymous |
C>S 0x17 D2GS_DROPITEM Drops the item in the player's cursor buffer to the ground | Anonymous |
C>S 0x18 D2GS_ITEMTOBUFFER Moves item from the player's cursor buffer to an inventory space | Anonymous |
C>S 0x19 D2GS_PICKUPBUFFERITEM Pickup an item from the possible buffers below, moving it to the cursor buffer | Anonymous |
S>C 0x19 D2GS_SMALLGOLDPICKUP Sent when you pick up a UINT8 (255) of gold(254 or less) | Anonymous |
C>S 0x1A D2GS_ITEMTOBODY Moves item from player's cursor buffer to body location | Anonymous |
C>S 0x1B D2GS_SWAP2HANDEDITEM Moves item from body location to player's cursor buffer | Anonymous |
C>S 0x1C D2GS_PICKUPBODYITEM Pickup an item from a Body Location to you're cursor buffer | Anonymous |
C>S 0x1D D2GS_SWITCHBODYITEM Swaps item in player's cursor buffer with item in the body location | Anonymous |
S>C 0x1D D2GS_SETBYTEATTR Sets the current (base) amount of the specified attribute | Anonymous |
S>C 0x1E D2GS_SETWORDATTR Sets the current (base) amount of the specified attribute | Anonymous |
C>S 0x1F D2GS_SWITCHINVENTORYITEM Swaps the item in the player's cursor buffer with one in the player's inventory | LordVader |
S>C 0x1F D2GS_SETDWORDATTR Updates an attribute and sets it to the value sent, 4 bytes max | Anonymous |
C>S 0x20 D2GS_USEITEM Uses the specified item (such as a potion, town portal scroll, etc.) | Anonymous |
C>S 0x21 D2GS_STACKITEM Stacks one item such as a key onto another item | Anonymous |
C>S 0x22 D2GS_REMOVESTACKITEM Deprecated Removes an item from the stack Please note: This message's official name is not known, and has been invented | Anonymous |
C>S 0x23 D2GS_ITEMTOBELT Moves an item into the player's belt | Anonymous |
C>S 0x24 D2GS_REMOVEBELTITEM Moves the specified item from the belt to the player's cursor buffer | Anonymous |
C>S 0x25 D2GS_SWITCHBELTITEM Replaces item in belt with item in player's cursor buffer | Anonymous |
C>S 0x26 D2GS_USEBELTITEM In Research Uses the specified item in the player's belt | Anonymous |
C>S 0x28 D2GS_INSERTSOCKETITEM Inserts the specified item into a socketed item | LordVader |
S>C 0x28 D2GS_UPDATEQUESTSINFOS In ResearchDraft Update type: | Ricola3D |
C>S 0x29 D2GS_SCROLLTOTOME Places a scroll into a tome of scrolls | Anonymous |
S>C 0x29 D2GS_GAMEQUESTINFOS In ResearchDraft Quests are state-machine, with up to 16 states whose with up-to 16 binary states | Ricola3D |
C>S 0x2A D2GS_ITEMTOCUBE Moves item from player's cursor buffer into Horadric cube | Anonymous |
S>C 0x2A D2GS_TRADERESULT In ResearchDraft TradeType values: | jaenster |
C>S 0x2D D2GS_UNSELECTOBJ Deprecated Unselects the selected object | Anonymous |
C>S 0x2F D2GS_NPCINIT Initiate an NPC sesstion, sent following: | Anonymous |
C>S 0x30 D2GS_NPCCANCEL Stops interacting with an NPC | Anonymous |
C>S 0x32 D2GS_NPCBUY Buys an item from a Non Player Character | Anonymous |
C>S 0x33 D2GS_NPCSELL Sell an item to a Non Player Character | Anonymous |
C>S 0x38 D2GS_NPCTRADE In Research This packet's use is currently unconfirmed | Anonymous |
C>S 0x3F D2GS_CHARACTERPHRASE All phrases sent to the server will be heard by all players in your vicinity | Anonymous |
C>S 0x49 D2GS_WAYPOINT In Research Requests to go to a waypoint if it was already activated | Anonymous |
C>S 0x4F D2GS_TRADE This message should be used for manipulating the trading window, the Horadric Cube item window, and the Stash window | joe[x86] |
C>S 0x50 D2GS_DROPGOLD Drops a pile of gold to the ground | Anonymous |
S>C 0x50 D2GS_QUESTSPECIAL In ResearchDraft - | Ricola3D |
S>C 0x51 D2GS_WORLDOBJECT In Research Server-assigned coordinate, object ID, and state/interaction properties | Anonymous |
S>C 0x52 D2GS_PLAYERQUESTLOG In ResearchDraft - | Ricola3D |
S>C 0x5C D2GS_(COMP)STARTGAME This packet is part of the logon sequence, not to be confused with the other 0x5C | Anonymous |
S>C 0x5D D2GS_QUESTITEMSTATE In ResearchDraft - | Ricola3D |
C>S 0x5E D2GS_PARTY Possible Action IDs: | Anonymous |
S>C 0x5E D2GS_GAMEQUESTAVAILABILITY In ResearchDraft - | Ricola3D |
C>S 0x61 D2GS_POTIONTOMERCENARY Takes the potion your cursor holds and gives it to the mercenary | Anonymous |
C>S 0x67 D2GS_GAMECREATE In ResearchDraft Replaces 0x67 D2BS_GAMELOGON when creating a new Solo Player, Open or TCP/IP game | Ricola3D |
C>S 0x68 D2GS_GAMELOGON In Research Character Class Id: | Ricola3D |
C>S 0x6A D2GS_ENTERGAMEENVIRONMENT This byte should be sent in order to start receiving in-game messages and to interact with the world itself | Anonymous |
C>S 0x6D D2GS_PING This packet should be sent every five to seven seconds to avoid timeout | Anonymous |
S>C 0x77 D2GS_TRADEACTION A character is trading with you | Anonymous |
S>C 0x7A D2GS_LOGONRESPONSE In Research This message is originally received compressed, so the message ID will correspond with D2GS compressed format | Anonymous |
S>C 0x89 D2GS_UNIQUEEVENTS In Research I'm sure there are many others by looking at the gaps here | LordVader |
S>C 0xAF D2GS_NEGOTIATECOMPRESSION The compression mode is one of: | Anonymous |
These packets are also available as constants in C++, Go, Java, JSON, PHP, and VB6.