BNETDocs Administration Changes

First off, Jailout2000 is no longer maintaining BNETDocs. What this means is: the status update checker at the right will no longer be refreshed, as those were maintained by him. He will still have editor access, although he won't be posting at BNETDocs as often as he used to.
Secondly, I am announcing that BNETDocs is now seeking a new owner/administrator for BNETDocs. The reason for this is because due to life events, I no longer can maintain BNETDocs, and would like to pass it on to someone who has both the time and capability. Knowledge of PHP, MySQL, CSS, and Javascript is essential. Knowledge of programming also would be preferred. If you're interested, please head on over to and send me a message via the 'Contact Me' page.
Sorry about that...

As some of you may know, BnetDocs was down from Nov 10, 2011 - Nov 14, 2011.
There was issues with the domain registrar. Those issues has been resolved and will not occur again.
Providing that everyone's DNS cache is friendly to them, they should see this page immediately, otherwise give it time to update.
We at BnetDocs sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
And rest assured, all data remained untouched; that is to say no data was lost during this period, it was just inaccessible.
Beta servers are online again?
Just a few minutes ago of this post, I was logged on to the beta servers with my very own BNRBot, along with some other people: Vector using StealthBot, Arqtekvet using MirageBot, and ColdFear using his unnamed bot. This sums up to a total of four people, not including anyone that may have been online but not in the same channel (/users didn't work and nor did /who).
This is to say that the servers, and, were accepting client logins (actual packets), instead of just disconnecting you immediately like they normally did 8-12 months ago.
I felt this was news worthy because both servers have been offline for the past 8-12 months, and I spotted them being online here on my daily checkup of BnetDocs, so I went to investigate it further, and invited some friends to come along. Turns out, Blizzard disconnected all four of us after about 10-15 minutes, and the servers are now back to how they were when they were once online 8-12 months ago.
I do not have any snapshots, but I hear Arkteqvet does, and Vector might possibly have one or a few, so contact both of them for proof.
Rest in peace, Steve Jobs

For the lack of better words, let me simply say this.
You will be missed.
-BNETDocs crew
Diablo III BETA Client Leaked

As some of you may already know, the Diablo III BETA client has been leaked as of four days ago (2 September 2011). It only recently went hot within the dev. communities. (6 September 2011)
Please use Google as your reference. I will not post links here for copyright or other trademark reasons. As for other references, you can also visit for a good amount of info (including a link to the installer), though you must navigate yourself to the respective posts.
As far as I know, the installer is released in Chinese and English (US), but there may be others floating around that I have not seen or searched for. Both installers were digitally signed by Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. on Friday, August 19, 2011, you can check for yourself if you download one; this is proof that they're legit.
Use all of this at your own discretion. I have not seen any videos or screenshots of anyone being past login; that is to say I have not seen anyone actually playing the game yet. All I've seen so far is people being at the login screen with changeable options such as video/sound and gameplay.
As always, have a wonderful time ;)